High performance gas chromatograph time-of-flight mass spectrometer.



A new atomic resolution electron microscope has been released! The "GRAND ARM 2" has been upgraded. This new "GRAND ARM 2" enables observations at ultrahigh spatial resolution with highly sensitive analysis over a wide range of accelerating voltages.

JAM-5200 EBM
CRYO ARM 300 II (JEM-3300)

JEM-3300 (CRYO ARM 300 II) Cryo-Electron Microscope

CRYO ARM is an electron microscope for observing biomolecules such as proteins at cryo temperature. The microscope equips a cold field-emission electron gun, an in-column Omega energy filter, a side-entry liquid nitrogen cooling stage, and an automated specimen exchange system. The specimen exchange system can store up to 12 specimens in the specimen exchange chamber.

Electron Microscopy, NMR & Mass Spectometry News


Electron Microscopy News

Our latest blogs on (Scanning) Electron Microscopes, NMR & Mass Spectometry

JEOL (Europe) BV introduces: Photo Ion-Source for JMS-T200GC AccuTOF GCx

Electron ionization (EI), generally used for GC/MS and GCxGC/MS analysis, produces fragment ions. Fragments are valuable for database search and compound identification. However, fragmentation adds an additional level of complexity in interpreting complex mixtures, such as crude oil. Some compounds (e.g. alkanes, alcohols) do not produce abundant (or any) molecular ions.

Since photoionization (PI) is a softer ionization method than EI, molecular ion can be easily distinguished using this technique. For some analytes, characteristic fragment ions may also be observed. Combining soft ionization with high-resolution exact-mass data and new software tools simplifies processing of complex GC and GCxGC data (e.g. petroleum type analysis).

PI provides clear molecular ions and elemental composition that can be combined with EI data to identify unknowns and also provides selective ionization of target compounds

The JEOL PI source is designed as a PI/EI combination ion source. Switching between PI and EI can be done without breaking vacuum of the ion source, even without breaking any vacuum. Also during an analytical run it is possible to switch between PI/EI and vice versa. The accurate mass will always stay available whatever ionisation technique is used with our JMS-T200GC AccuTOF GCx.

At this moment a PI source is available for our GC-TOF and GC-Quadrupole systems.

JEOL Photo Ion-Source

Release of the JEM-F200, a multi purpose TEM

JEOL's latest addition to its suite of Transmission Electron Microscopes is the versatile JEM-F200, also nicknamed "F2", the only advanced analytical, high throughput 200kV S/TEM in its class to offer a Cold Field Emission Gun and dual Silicon Drift Detectors.

The combined boost in probe current from the Cold FEG with the dual EDS makes this TEM stand out in its class.The 'F2' employs the newest in JEOL innovations in an easy-to-use, extremely stable, high resolution imaging and analytical TEM.

The F2 incorporates many new features: 

  • Smart- design, with a new intuitive user interface
  • Quad-lens condenser system,  the new 4-stageprobe-forming optical system, Quad-Lens condenser system, controls the electron beam intensity and the convergence angle independently to respond to different research requirements.
  • Advanced Scan system,which is capable of scanning the electron beam in the image forming system (optional) , in addition to the standard scanning system for the probe-forming system. This accomplishes wide field STEM-EELS.
  • Pico Stage Drive, which is capable of driving the stage in pico meter steps without a piezo drive, and moving the area of view in a wide dynamic range from an entire sample grid to atomic order images.
  • Specporter, an auto holder loading/unloading device.
  • Improved coldFEG, Guaranteeing high stability, high brightness, and high energy resolution, the cold field emission electron gun enables chemical bonding analysis by EELS, speeds up the analytical process by the high brightness electron beam, and minimizes chromatic aberrations from the electron source for enabling high resolution imaging.
  • Dual SDD, for very fast EDS analysis and minimal sample damage.
  • Environmental friendly, the instrument can be switched to ECO mode when not in use, to reduce its energy consumption.

Main specification: TEM point to point: 0.19 nm STEM-HAADF: 0.14 nm (using Cold FEG and UHR polepiece)

JEM-F200-F2 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)

March 2025